Somewhere between the sheets
Between your mouth on mine
Between my hand on your neck
Between your hand on my hip
Somewhere between my thighs-
I lose my voice
I can only grunt and groan
I can only mumble and moan
I can't form full sentences
I cant say, hey you're doing it wrong,
that hurts,
more like this,
move your hands over here,
or I'm not finished.
Where do those words get caught
In what vein in my brain
Do the words of direction
Falter at your erection
Why is it my sexual vocabulary stops in mid-sentence?
I can think of what I want to say
But when I open my mouth
All that comes out is:
Ohbabyfasterharder or a breathy OH MY GOD
It's not that your not good, or that I am faking
But you could be better, and you're not the only one doing the love making
This is something we share
But I think my fear comes from the fact
The only time I hear you say anything is, UUGHHI'MGUNNACOME
Maybe we both need to go back to school
And unlearn the
Unwritten rule
That sex, is always sexy,
Is always good, is always exactly the way you see it in the movies
Because it's not, never ever like the movies
And sometimes there are things you've just got to say
Baby, I love the way
Insert name here, could you maybe move an inch to the left?
or Sweetie, that is something I just don't like